Baltic USO | Truthfall
This is turning into one of the most amazing and perplexing discoveries in history. If you thought all of the questions surrounding the Baltic anomaly would be answered by the return trip, then you’d be wrong. The OceanX team have discovered right angles, walls with absolutely smooth surfaces and cavities-like corridors inside the object as well as something resembling a staircase – the weird just got weirder.
Truthfall Special Report by Craig Brown

“When we went out and saw the walls which were straight and smooth, it was frightening, as in a science-fiction film” – Dennis Åsberg – Ocean Explorer Co-Founder
From the different reports and interviews given we have amassed the following details of the anomaly.
“A new expedition will take place in approx three weeks.” – Peter Lindberg, co-founder OceanX Team (approx 2 weeks now at time of publishing)

Right angles, smooth surfaces and cavitiy-like corridors inside the object
In a recent Swedish radio interview, Aasberg described some amazing features which seem to indicate that the object is man made, or perhaps a natural formation that has been altered or engineered. In various radio and TV interviews the team have described the surfaces of the dome to be similar to concrete both in texture and appearance. The massive pillar on which the dome rests may be made of a different material indicating that the entire anomaly may not be one complete piece but rather two separate objects with the dome resting on top of the main pillar, and if so, who or what placed the dome on top? Also, when we say pillar – this is a pillar that is approx 180-190 feet thick.
“We arrived there twice, and the question mark has become so much bigger now, “says Dennis Åsberg.The area is a completely circular plate with 180 metres in circumference, and therefore believed that it was the first traces of a meteor.”
“But there are 1,500-metre track in bed until the subject matter-and they have also discovered right angles, walls with absolutely smooth surfaces and cavities-like corridors inside the object.– When we went out and saw the walls which were straight and smooth, it was frightening, as in a science-fiction film, “says Dennis Åsberg on Ocean x-team as soon exploring the unknown object again.“
Stone Circles or “Fireplaces”
During the dive, the team swam slowly over the top of the object looking down where they encountered the first of many strange sights. Stone circles, like “fireplaces”, of hard black “almost petrified” burnt looking stone each a few inches in diameter, like 4 or 5 pearls in a necklace in various arrangements on top of the dome some 12 metres high off the seabed. The stones appear to be arranged in definite circular shapes, so there is no possibility of this being done through any natural process of weathering or even glaciation.
Stefan Hogeborn, 47, is a veteran of 6000 dives spanning his 20 year career and is one of the expert divers who was completely mesmerized by what he saw. “Normally stones don’t burn,” Hogeborn said. “I can’t explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions,” he added.
The Remote Viewers Were Correct
Several weeks before the second expedition several set off, several remote viewers described the anomaly in “blind” sessions where all they were given was a target reference number. The preliminary findings of the OceanX expedition have confirmed some remarkable similarities and details which were amazingly predicted by the remote viewers.
One of the remote viewers described the anomaly as the same feeling as “very large” , “light grey”, “looks like cement colour”, “like a dam – but it’s not a dam, but it reminds me of a dam, just that it’s so big, massive and huge, going down whenever you stood and you look down on it, on a dam and I can see how it just moves down away from me”.
Another viewer described it as round, semi-buried, thick, from above to below ground, AOL “like a weapons bunker or missile silo tube, something like that, way thicker than it ought to be or you would expect,”
“It just so straight up and down inside ,the Millennium Falcon from the Empire Strikes Back”.
Lindberg too was impressed with the quality of the data predicted by the remote viewers - “Regarding the “remote viewing”: Yes, the last guy gives quite a spooky resembling explanation. Maybe he’s right if we find any more holes” – he said.
“3D Multibeam sonar data take a while to process. It will not be until end of next week we will be able to see the first 3D images from the area. I have seen the raw data though and if what I have seen will be confirmed by the finished result we will get some quite amazing facts to think about.”
“More pictures will come, no more diver taken pictures though, not before until next expedition. The production company is right now working with the ROV films and still pictures from them will be released. Before the expedition” – “It is up to the production company, who makes the documentary, which pictures will be released.”
The Meringue
Initially when the first images were released by Swedish media the image below caused a lot of confusion for many people, with many thinking the image showed the complete anomaly.
However, after the confusion cleared it became obvious that the image below was of something now nicknamed “The Meringue”. The meringue as it is now known is a circular 4 meter wide feature that actually sits on top of the main 200 foot wide mushroom-like dome. What looks like the seabed towards the bottom of the feature is in fact the TOP of the mushroom dome. The seabed is another 40 feet further down!

Resolution of the object
Lindberg was asked, “What kind of resolution/accuracy can be expect of the ROV? (Remotely Operated Vehicle)“, he said – “Bad resolution, we have been sponsored by Ocean Modules with an “older” model of the V8 Sii ROV. It should not be able to send both video and the “real time sonar” images at the same time through a 450 meter cable (which we had) but it worked, though on the expense of the quality of the video. On the next expedition they will provide us with a newer model and then we will probably get much better quality on the video.”
He continued – “They do not know about all we have seen with the ROV. It take some time to tape everything over to a format with which they can use, and people have their working hours. I think though that they must be like 10 persons working with this now.”
reposting this in case the original goes down the memory hole. Be sure and visit the original website TRUTHFALL
This is turning into one of the most amazing and perplexing discoveries in history. If you thought all of the questions surrounding the Baltic anomaly would be answered by the return trip, then you’d be wrong. The OceanX team have discovered right angles, walls with absolutely smooth surfaces and cavities-like corridors inside the object as well as something resembling a staircase – the weird just got weirder.
Truthfall Special Report by Craig Brown
3D Sonar reveals perfectly straight lines and angles embedded into the round structure. - Click image to enlarge
From the different reports and interviews given we have amassed the following details of the anomaly.
Completely circular plate-like exterior.
180 metres in circumference.
Object is 200ft accross mushroom shaped comprising a thick pillar rising 8 metres out of the seabed with a 4 metre thick dome on top (like a mushroom shape) – rising a total of 12 metres (approx 40 feet) high above the surrounding seabed.
Cavities-like corridors inside the object.
Straight and smooth walls in certain areas with many right angles.
There are visible formations on top of the object, which are set at a 90 degree angle and look like passageways or walls, as well as something that looks like it could be a staircase.
Stone circles, like “fireplaces”, of hard black “almost petrified” burnt looking stone each a few inches in diameter, like 4 or 5 pearls in a necklace in various arrangements on top of the dome.
- Spherical object nicknamed “The Meringue” (pictured below) is 4 metres wide and sits on top of the object.
Twenty-five centimetre hole on top of the object, it’s not known yet where it leads or what if anything is inside.
Long runway or “skid marks” leading to object point north.
The latest revelations of right angles, walls with absolutely smooth surfaces and cavities-like corridors inside the object are if possible, far stranger than any UFO could ever hope to be. In fact a UFO find would now seem positively mundane.
Now it seems that as more and more information is revealed, the mystery surrounding the object grows. The good news for everyone who is intrigued by this story is that a THIRD expedition by the team will set off in approximately two weeks – the OceanX team will be hoping to rule out some of the possible explanations and collect even more data to shed light on this most perplexing mystery.“A new expedition will take place in approx three weeks.” – Peter Lindberg, co-founder OceanX Team (approx 2 weeks now at time of publishing)
The sidescan sonar shows the main anomlay (left) and the second anomaly which has yet to be explored.
In a recent Swedish radio interview, Aasberg described some amazing features which seem to indicate that the object is man made, or perhaps a natural formation that has been altered or engineered. In various radio and TV interviews the team have described the surfaces of the dome to be similar to concrete both in texture and appearance. The massive pillar on which the dome rests may be made of a different material indicating that the entire anomaly may not be one complete piece but rather two separate objects with the dome resting on top of the main pillar, and if so, who or what placed the dome on top? Also, when we say pillar – this is a pillar that is approx 180-190 feet thick.
“We arrived there twice, and the question mark has become so much bigger now, “says Dennis Åsberg.The area is a completely circular plate with 180 metres in circumference, and therefore believed that it was the first traces of a meteor.”
“But there are 1,500-metre track in bed until the subject matter-and they have also discovered right angles, walls with absolutely smooth surfaces and cavities-like corridors inside the object.– When we went out and saw the walls which were straight and smooth, it was frightening, as in a science-fiction film, “says Dennis Åsberg on Ocean x-team as soon exploring the unknown object again.“
Stone Circles or “Fireplaces”
During the dive, the team swam slowly over the top of the object looking down where they encountered the first of many strange sights. Stone circles, like “fireplaces”, of hard black “almost petrified” burnt looking stone each a few inches in diameter, like 4 or 5 pearls in a necklace in various arrangements on top of the dome some 12 metres high off the seabed. The stones appear to be arranged in definite circular shapes, so there is no possibility of this being done through any natural process of weathering or even glaciation.
Stefan Hogeborn, 47, is a veteran of 6000 dives spanning his 20 year career and is one of the expert divers who was completely mesmerized by what he saw. “Normally stones don’t burn,” Hogeborn said. “I can’t explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions,” he added.
The Hole
Also visible and shown in some of the released video footage is a strange hole (pictured below) in the top of the object. The hole is described to be approx 25 cm in diameter. Where it leads to or exactly what it’s purpose is is yet unknown. It is thought that this feature will be investigated further when the team return to the site again in 2 weeks time.
The Trail or Path Leading To The Object
In the initial sonar imagery there appeared to be what looked 1000+ metres of what looked like like skid marks or a disturbed seafloor area leading to the object. According to the dive team what it now looks like to them is what can only be described as a “runway” or “downhill path” that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it. Co-Founder Peter Lindberg describes this feature of the site as a ridge raising slowly up from the bottom to a height of approx 8 meters above the surrounding bottom. He also believes that this ridge is made of softer material than the pillar and the dome.
The second anomaly
Some 200 metres away lies the second strange anomaly which is amazingly yet to be explored! The initial sidescan sonar images show something described by the team as shaped like a “gothic church window”. Similar to the main anomaly this object also has an area leading up to it of disturbed seafloor or what could be a ridge. The divers were so amazed by the main anomaly that they simply didn’t have time to dive on the second one. The return trip in two weeks time should present an opportunity for this to finally be explored.
There is the real possibility that the second anomaly may help give clues to the origin and nature of the main object.
Several weeks before the second expedition several set off, several remote viewers described the anomaly in “blind” sessions where all they were given was a target reference number. The preliminary findings of the OceanX expedition have confirmed some remarkable similarities and details which were amazingly predicted by the remote viewers.
One of the remote viewers described the anomaly as the same feeling as “very large” , “light grey”, “looks like cement colour”, “like a dam – but it’s not a dam, but it reminds me of a dam, just that it’s so big, massive and huge, going down whenever you stood and you look down on it, on a dam and I can see how it just moves down away from me”.
Another viewer described it as round, semi-buried, thick, from above to below ground, AOL “like a weapons bunker or missile silo tube, something like that, way thicker than it ought to be or you would expect,”
“It just so straight up and down inside ,the Millennium Falcon from the Empire Strikes Back”.
(Editor’s Note: An AOL is what Remote Viewers refer to when an image of the target comes into their mind)
Lindberg too was impressed with the quality of the data predicted by the remote viewers - “Regarding the “remote viewing”: Yes, the last guy gives quite a spooky resembling explanation. Maybe he’s right if we find any more holes” – he said.
“3D Multibeam sonar data take a while to process. It will not be until end of next week we will be able to see the first 3D images from the area. I have seen the raw data though and if what I have seen will be confirmed by the finished result we will get some quite amazing facts to think about.”
“More pictures will come, no more diver taken pictures though, not before until next expedition. The production company is right now working with the ROV films and still pictures from them will be released. Before the expedition” – “It is up to the production company, who makes the documentary, which pictures will be released.”
The Meringue
Initially when the first images were released by Swedish media the image below caused a lot of confusion for many people, with many thinking the image showed the complete anomaly.
However, after the confusion cleared it became obvious that the image below was of something now nicknamed “The Meringue”. The meringue as it is now known is a circular 4 meter wide feature that actually sits on top of the main 200 foot wide mushroom-like dome. What looks like the seabed towards the bottom of the feature is in fact the TOP of the mushroom dome. The seabed is another 40 feet further down!
"The Meringue" - Approximately 4 metres wide is only one of many strange features sitting on TOP of the dome of the formation.
Lindberg was asked, “What kind of resolution/accuracy can be expect of the ROV? (Remotely Operated Vehicle)“, he said – “Bad resolution, we have been sponsored by Ocean Modules with an “older” model of the V8 Sii ROV. It should not be able to send both video and the “real time sonar” images at the same time through a 450 meter cable (which we had) but it worked, though on the expense of the quality of the video. On the next expedition they will provide us with a newer model and then we will probably get much better quality on the video.”
He continued – “They do not know about all we have seen with the ROV. It take some time to tape everything over to a format with which they can use, and people have their working hours. I think though that they must be like 10 persons working with this now.”
reposting this in case the original goes down the memory hole. Be sure and visit the original website TRUTHFALL