Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Charles Fort's legacy stolen, perverted and destroyed.

How did joyless shitpail cheapjack debunker fuckwits end up "owning" the Charles Fort legacy? Who let that happen?

The original term from 1946 through the late 1960s for what is now called "ufology" was actually "Fortean"- for example official American military documents from the 1950s talk about the need to silence Forteans and stop them from spreading the truth about UFOs (amongst other things).

So it is no accident that Forteana has been hijacked by the typical close minded, not very intelligent big mouthed fuckwits who spoil pretty much every modern pursuit for knowledge. These classic products of the modern social collapse and tenth rate education processes have turned Charles Fort and his legacy into just another dead end of clueless and creditless debunking of genuine mysteries, with the usual awful tone of- not skepticism, which is valuable- but rather debunking, which has been accurately described as a kind of immature schoolyard bully type psychological defect.

Charles Fort and his legacy needs to be totally revitalised, not left in the paws of these utterly irredeemable assclowns. He was once known and honoured for his outside-the-box thinking, and although his prose is purple to the point of incomprehensibility at times, his central tenet- that we cannot be certain of ANYTHING, and that ALL categories are arbitrary, contains a lot of common sense.

We need to fight to take back Forteana.
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