Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Disclosure – Time Games | Veterans Today

Disclosure – Time Games | Veterans Today

Here is an observation and analysis, a nice way of saying guess.  As to how educated a guess, it really doesn’t matter.

We have two issues initially, observable phenomenon that violates scientific laws as we know them and the “release valve” of fiction wherein explanations some perhaps totally correct, others carefully skewed, are fed to us as popular fiction. It’s a way of softening our intellect and dulling our need to question where our real need to question should be unstoppable.
Instead it is derailed.
Then we have two other levels, this being one of genuine disclosure and the other, ratio 99 to 1, hand fed “dangerous and classified” information spoon fed with just enough sugar as to become the stuff of very satisfying conspiracy. 
We heard of magic powder that dissolved the World Trade Center on 9/11, for instance, or delightfully friendly aliens who carefully spoon feed us the needed technologies to keep our messy existence going, despite their disdain for our proclivities for destruction.

Phil Schneider with wife and only child

Recently, I wrote of Phil Schneider, a man who “never was,” a man who committed suicide by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three times around his neck and half-knotting it in front.
He supposedly did this after warning so many that he was going to be murdered for releasing information that was considered worth killing him for.

There are several new versions of Schneider, all more polished, all of whom tell stories less frightening, less messy, people less angry and upset, with better suits and really good Power Point presentations.

You will find these to be Schneider’s “dirty twins,” better packaged, more enjoyable, their stories carefully weaved together as though the “secret world” weren’t “compartmentalized.”  That is a key word of the secret world where no one person gets a big piece of the mosaic. All are informed of what they need to know and are told often outlandish lies about related matters or nothing at all.

No one is given enough to put the piece together and if they do, human weakness and a need to confess passes through “compartments,” a very common problem. Then what might have been simple “connected dots” becomes a mosaic of fact, where theories become proof.
If proof debunks a large reality or”disproves” the basis of a large portion of accepted reality then two groups go into action, either the disinformation gang, a huge part of our black budget, including most of the public press or whatever it is called, and the second being special “Tier One” groups who silence those who speak out.
When Susan Lindauer, while working for the CIA tripped over one of the cover operations meant to be used in case one of the infinite set of lies around the events of 9/11 failed the “sniff test,” as well they should, she was arrested and then diagnosed as mentally ill and illegally detained on a military base and drugged.

Gwenyth Todd - In the field
Sibel Edmonds suffered a not dissimilar fate when she tripped over a massive multi-national spy ring operating openly in Washington DC.   She was silenced for 6 years and she had only broken one “compartment” tied to a much larger plot, one actually beyond her imaginings.

Gwenyth Todd of the National Security Agency, close associate of Paul Wolfowitz and Condi Rice, back in 2005, discovered a White House plot to stage an attack on American forces in Qatar.

While attempting to stop the attack, her security clearances, the highest in the US, were immediately cancelled and she had to flee for her life despite her being one of the nation’s highest level Middle East experts and well known to President Bush personally.
One day she simply disappeared.
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