If you've been following the story so far, America is now cursed with a "president" who's steeped in America-hating theology, who is locked into a sham marriage to cover up his alleged dangerous and highly blackmail-able personal proclivities, and who slyly pledges his eternal loyalty to Allah.
But wait, there's more! As our affirmative action pharaoh loses the respect of the American people, he's brazenly funding his campaign with millions of untraceable dollars from America's enemies. Only 2% of Obama's huge $181-million September haul is traceable, and much of it may be coming from Obama.com, a website owned by Robert Roche, an American citizen living in China with close business ties to the Chinese government.
Obama.com redirects you to Obama's official campaign website, where you can donate without entering your credit card security code, making illegal foreign donations so delightfully simple.
How blessed is our dear Reverend Jeremiah Wright! His fondest, hate-filled dreams are all coming true. Yes, Obama repudiated Wright in his hysterically acclaimed speech on race (which is now taught to America's schoolkids) and tried to bribe him to shut up by sending emissaries with $150,000 offers. Nevertheless, Wright has lived to rejoice in the racist, murderous, devilishly wicked Amerikkkan nation being brought to its knees by his most famous disciple.