Jobless numbers according to the BLS dropped to lows not seen since 2008. Problem is, they released the numbers without including one “large state”. The state not included would be California, not official, just my guess. It is the most populous and volatile employment environment in the country. So why release the data if it is not complete? Who in their right mind, from a department that is supposed to be collecting data, would release the numbers if it is not complete?
Heres a hint.
The Department of Labor, led by Hilda Solis, is in charge of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, who is led by Dr. Erica Groshen, who both were nominated by Barack Obama, who are both Democrats, who are both Pro Union, Pro Choice, one is Hispanic, the other went to Harvard and specialized in trade unions, collective bargaining, and public policy. It does not matter which one did what, what matters is the ideology of both and the end game of decisions they make that impact America.