Michael Smith News
This is a letter sent to me this afternoon by Ralph Blewitt. He asked me to publish it on this blog. I have spoken independently with Mr Blewitt's legal advisers and they have told me that he has authorised the publication of this letter after receiving legal advice about its implications.
I present the letter precisely as I received it without any corrections or alterations.
The views are those of Ralph Blewitt.
You asked me the other day if I'd been involved in the AWU W P R A fraud. "My answer to you was yes"
Now I'd like to explain to you why I made the decision to answer in the affirmative without the protection of Indemnity fromprosecution and in doing so leave myself exposed to charges being laid against me by the authorities "police" and the possibilityof being found guilty and the consequences for me.
And I decided that regardless of what might happen to me the truth must be told...I am still hoping that I get Indemnity.
I've been over the last couple of months giving serious thought to everything that happened in the AWU 1992 / 1995.
And I've been reading documents that have been discovered by Michale Smith of Michale News,Harry Nowicki,Richard Thomas,Hedley Thomas of the Australian and others...And refreshing my memory of the events that occurred 17/18 years ago.
The more I read the more concerned I became....I was directly involved in the AWU W P R A Slush fund set up in WA.
And I have an intimate knowledge of the disposal of some of those funds and the Gillard Wilson affair "Romance" life style whilst they where in that relationship in Melbourne.
I was never involved in the rest of the alleged frauds committed by Bruce Wilson and others in Victoria and I have only recently become aware of the magnitude and extent of those alleged frauds upon reading the discovered documents.
The things that really concerned me about all of this and led to my decision where as follows.
(1) The dismissal of yourself and Glen Milne brought about by pressure from persons of influence in order keep the story from the public.I view this as an attack on freedom of the press.
(2) The treatment of Bob Kernohan,which is well documented.
(3) The Press conference held by Ms J Gillard in August and some of the things regarding this matter that Ms Gillard put on the public record do not ring true to me having been a party to this whole episode during my time as an official of the AWU and at that time a close friend of Ms Gillard and Bruce Wilson in the period 1992 until 1995/96.
(4) The turning point for me in this was when I read a post on your site that spoke about a deal being done in Melbourne where contaminated soil was used for road fill by a contractor.
and it was alleged payments where made by that contractor into an account that was run and managed by Bruce Wilson..for him to have done that knowingly that it would jeopardize the health and safety of workers in order gain some financial reward for himself is discus-sting.
There is No way I would ever be a part of something like that.
There's one other comment I'd like to make the persons that are implicated in all of this and we know who they are hold positions of power and influence they are going to do whatever they can to discredit me they are going to dig into my past and toss any dirt they can find at me I've know doubt they will even embellish the stories so as to get the maximum effect in attacking my integrity and honesty in the eye's of the public at large.
Their main objective will be to try and draw attention away from themselves and their alleged part in the cover up of this corrupt business and fraud in order to protect there positions whatever the cost to me or anyone else who questions them.
Please don't let them distract us from the main issue that is the alleged corruption and fraud that took place in 1992/95.
As we said in the Army the best form of defense is attack...contact right..turn right...charge at them.
Well I'm not taking any prisoners hopefully the Justis system will do that for me.By my coming out and telling the truth to the best of my recollection of the events that took place 17/18 years ago.
Mr Ralph E Blewitt
1 Platoon A Coy 2nd Battalion RAR.
7-6-1967..1-7-1968. "DUTY FIRST"
Past union official AWU West Australian Branch 1987-1995.
Retired tpi pensioner.
This is a letter sent to me this afternoon by Ralph Blewitt. He asked me to publish it on this blog. I have spoken independently with Mr Blewitt's legal advisers and they have told me that he has authorised the publication of this letter after receiving legal advice about its implications.
I present the letter precisely as I received it without any corrections or alterations.
The views are those of Ralph Blewitt.
I'd like to make another statement on the record.You asked me the other day if I'd been involved in the AWU W P R A fraud. "My answer to you was yes"
Now I'd like to explain to you why I made the decision to answer in the affirmative without the protection of Indemnity fromprosecution and in doing so leave myself exposed to charges being laid against me by the authorities "police" and the possibilityof being found guilty and the consequences for me.
And I decided that regardless of what might happen to me the truth must be told...I am still hoping that I get Indemnity.
I've been over the last couple of months giving serious thought to everything that happened in the AWU 1992 / 1995.
And I've been reading documents that have been discovered by Michale Smith of Michale News,Harry Nowicki,Richard Thomas,Hedley Thomas of the Australian and others...And refreshing my memory of the events that occurred 17/18 years ago.
The more I read the more concerned I became....I was directly involved in the AWU W P R A Slush fund set up in WA.
And I have an intimate knowledge of the disposal of some of those funds and the Gillard Wilson affair "Romance" life style whilst they where in that relationship in Melbourne.
I was never involved in the rest of the alleged frauds committed by Bruce Wilson and others in Victoria and I have only recently become aware of the magnitude and extent of those alleged frauds upon reading the discovered documents.
The things that really concerned me about all of this and led to my decision where as follows.
(1) The dismissal of yourself and Glen Milne brought about by pressure from persons of influence in order keep the story from the public.I view this as an attack on freedom of the press.
(2) The treatment of Bob Kernohan,which is well documented.
(3) The Press conference held by Ms J Gillard in August and some of the things regarding this matter that Ms Gillard put on the public record do not ring true to me having been a party to this whole episode during my time as an official of the AWU and at that time a close friend of Ms Gillard and Bruce Wilson in the period 1992 until 1995/96.
(4) The turning point for me in this was when I read a post on your site that spoke about a deal being done in Melbourne where contaminated soil was used for road fill by a contractor.
and it was alleged payments where made by that contractor into an account that was run and managed by Bruce Wilson..for him to have done that knowingly that it would jeopardize the health and safety of workers in order gain some financial reward for himself is discus-sting.
There is No way I would ever be a part of something like that.
There's one other comment I'd like to make the persons that are implicated in all of this and we know who they are hold positions of power and influence they are going to do whatever they can to discredit me they are going to dig into my past and toss any dirt they can find at me I've know doubt they will even embellish the stories so as to get the maximum effect in attacking my integrity and honesty in the eye's of the public at large.
Their main objective will be to try and draw attention away from themselves and their alleged part in the cover up of this corrupt business and fraud in order to protect there positions whatever the cost to me or anyone else who questions them.
Please don't let them distract us from the main issue that is the alleged corruption and fraud that took place in 1992/95.
As we said in the Army the best form of defense is attack...contact right..turn right...charge at them.
Well I'm not taking any prisoners hopefully the Justis system will do that for me.By my coming out and telling the truth to the best of my recollection of the events that took place 17/18 years ago.
Mr Ralph E Blewitt
1 Platoon A Coy 2nd Battalion RAR.
7-6-1967..1-7-1968. "DUTY FIRST"
Past union official AWU West Australian Branch 1987-1995.
Retired tpi pensioner.