AUSTRALIA is to lift sanctions on 55 prominent Zimbabweans in response to the announcement of a referendum on a new constitution ahead of July elections.
Foreign Minister Bob Carr said the group included members of the judiciary and media, provincial governors and leading business figures as well as a number of politicians from Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party.
“These individuals are not considered to be hindering democratic reforms or undermining the ultimate goal of free and fair elections in Zimbabwe, nor are they thought to be involved in human rights abuses,” Mr Carr said.
“I'm pleased to be able to lift these sanctions and look forward to further democratic reforms in Zimbabwe.”
It follows similar steps last month by the European Union and forms part of a phased roll-back of sanctions by Australia which will be extended once the referendum, due on March 16, is held in a “peaceful and credible” fashion.
Ease sanctions immediately to help out their black marxist pal Mugabe, despite there being no evidence of anything other than the inevitable African slide back into tribalism, anarchy, monstrous evil and endemic violence.
Warp-faced Carr, the worst foreign minister we've ever had, and an unelected do-nothing twat into the bargain, is following the EU / UN lead in letting Mugabe off the hook at every opportunity and at the earliest moment possible despite the constant outrage against minority tribespeople and especially against white citizens of Zimbabwe.
It is beyond retarded, but par for the course for the swill of the gillard regime.
We live in this tortured era where immigrants, legal or not, have infected the body politic and our discourse. Not only do we suffer the islamic savages, unwanted spill brought here to complete the genocidal task of the fabian scum, but also the more subtle invasion by increasing numbers of americans and south africans- fugitives from failed states that bring their own cognitive dissonance and addiction to leftism and political correctness. As beneficiaries of our largesse, it would be nice if they would just leech of us in peace and otherwise shut the fuck up. Their clueless bleating is not adding to the debate that Australians need to have.