Many of you have wondered about Julia Gillard's understanding of the real estate market and her presence at the purchase at auction of 1/85 Kerr Street Fitzroy by her de facto partner Bruce Wilson "as per power of attorney Ralph Blewitt" in February of 1993.
This article in Crikey gives some background to Julia Gillard's attempt to secure Labor pre-selection for the Federal electorate of Melbourne in the 1993 Federal election. Gillard lost (luv), Tanner won (one) but there was no score to settle anyway (deuce) and Lindsay would have decided to announce his decision to resign from Parliament on the day that Gillard rolled Rudd in any event(advantage Tanner).
Has anyone read the book? What does it say about Gillard's house hunting in the Melbourne FEA (electorate)?
Below I have printed a clear picture, the AEC's map of the electorate. Here's another picture, that is that Bruce who's from Perth bought for Ralph who's from Perth a house not to live in and Bruce was accompanied at the auction by a no-input Julia who had been house hunting in the electorate but is reputed by some to have not had much of a role in the house that Bruce standing in for Ralph whom Julia acted directly for in the purchase of according to the Managing Director of Slater and Gordon but who acquired a mortgage to buy the place by remote control because Julia couldn't remember organising it just a little while later and Bruce signed the paperwork anyway- hang on, have a look at the clear picture, Fitzroy's right in the frame.