The younger Tsarnaev brother is now in custody. The older brother is dead.
The case is wrapped up. Everything is good.
Except, as a number of writers have pointed out, including Paul Watson, Tony Cartalucci, Kurt Nimmo, and James Corbett, the FBI has a history of involvement in terror events. The Bureau has encouraged and fomented pathetically obvious terrorist plots.
David Shipler, writing in the NY Times (April 28, 2012, “Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the FBI”) details a string of these ops. What he fails to point out is this: such events condition the American people to believe in the war on on terror. Without FBI agents initiating these self-fulfilling prophecies, the enormous infrastructure/industry dedicated to stopping terrorism would take on the bizarre appearance of a manned tank permanently parked outside a candy store.
So if the Tsarnaev brothers were involved in the Boston bombings, consider that they could have been drawn into a Bureau plan and supplied with the materials to execute that plan.
They could have been told it was a drill, an exercise, to “test the system.” They could have been told the bombs were inert. They could have been used as patsies.
Yes, it would be a better world if we could always rely on the authorities to make clean arrests for clear crimes, present accurate evidence at trial, and obtain honest convictions. But unfortunately, we are not living in that world.
Go back to the 1993 Trade Center bombing. The NY Times exposed the covert role of the FBI through the testimony of one of the Bureau’s dupes (informants), Emad Salem, who was told he would be given fake bombs for a fake event that would scoop up real terrorists. But Salem then stated the FBI decided to go ahead with real bombs at the last minute.
Salem was never permitted to take the stand at trial and testify. The Times article exposing this (October 28, 1993, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast”) was written by Ralph Blumenthal (twitter). Over the years, on two occasions, I’ve tried to talk to Blumenthal about his piece. The first time, some years ago, he blew up on the phone and told me I had the facts (of his article) all wrong. The second time, a few days ago, I emailed him, and so far I’ve received no response.