Now you know why Obama called all these Finance execs onto his carpet/office? How do you spell IEEPA?
Plan/hedge accordingly: This is what I expect from Obama et al, in an IEEPA...
1. PM price beat-down before the Reset --> PM bullion run --> Phyz squeeze, part of Capital Control (flight of capital) prior to Reset.
2. Likely nationalization (no literal confiscation) of PM --> Payout of paper-PM in fiat money (at low market price). With price drops, no windfall profits realized for PM speculators anyway. PM mines consolidated and nationalized.
3. Price & Wage Controls during Emergency/Reset. Strict supply chain management by TPTB, to
prevent panic and hoarding.
4. DHS + LEA's there to provide law & order. Regional Martial Law may be necessary (big cities). Rioters and militant activists will be treated as Enemy Combatants, and be treated with heavy hand.
Arrested, droned or sent to FEMA camps as appropriate.
Buy+store stuff for at least 3-6 months: Water, Food, G+A, Key Consumables (TP...), Medicine, Gasoline, Cash, Bullion. Be a 'Dr. Prepper'! Be a true friend, and have quality friends --> Safety + Lifestyle in (manageable) numbers.