Thursday, November 1, 2012

Glenn Beck Slams Media Outlets Sitting on Damning Benghazi Emails | Video |

Glenn Beck Slams Media Outlets Sitting on Damning Benghazi Emails | Video |

During his Wednesday evening broadcast, Glenn Beck revealed that he and his network, TheBlaze, are absolutely certain based on “very well-sourced information” that two media outlets — one a network — do indeed have emails proving the Obama White House gave orders to “stand down” during the terror attack in Benghazi.

Beck said it is incumbent upon those media outlets to release the information and provide Americans with the truth, rather than shield the president. If they refrain from doing so, Beck said he will “expose them.”

Later on in the segment, Beck also broached Facebook’s censoring of the Special Operations Speaks (SOS) PAC. Facebook ordered the group to take down an anti-Obama meme about Benghazi and when they didn’t comply, the account was suspended for 24 hours.
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