Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Re-Writing Mission History? » Climate Resistance

Re-Writing Mission History? » Climate Resistance

Posted by Ben Pile on January 7, 2014
Stephan Lewnadowsky has an article at The Conversation, saying that sceptics are wrong, in their pointing and mocking of the failed Spirit of Mawson expedition.
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and by now you might have seen dramatic images of passengers on stranded icebreaker Akademik Shokalskiy being rescued by helicopter last Friday after becoming lodged in Antarctica sea ice on Christmas Eve.
Lewandowsky is, of course, the defender of the environmental narrative. Key to his argument that the sceptics are wrong is a page on the expedition’s website, which seems to claim that the mission anticipated the ‘fast ice’ which came to surround them:
If one goes to the expedition’s website, their first three scientific goals (there are nine altogether) are as follows:
  • gain new insights into the circulation of the Southern Ocean and its impact on the global carbon cycle
  • explore changes in ocean circulation caused by the growth of extensive fast ice and its impact on life in Commonwealth Bay
  • use the subantarctic islands as thermometers of climatic change by using trees, peats and lakes to explore the past
Says Lewandowsky:
In other words, the expedition is experiencing the very conditions it set out to study — namely the various kinds of sea ice that scientists know are increasing around Antarctica, while the icecaps on Antarctica are known to melt.
However, there is no mention of ‘fast ice’ on the site’s ‘expeidtion aims’ page in July last year, according the Archive.org wayback machine.
Now the expedition’s aims are outlined under a page called ‘Science Case‘, which indeed contains the reference to ‘fast ice’. But according to the Wayback machine, this didn’t appear until November, but the page in question wasn’t captured until January 2.



1. "fast ice" is being used by climate alarmists in an inappropriate way to somehow imply the fiasco was unavoidable because ice "formed fast". Whilst this moronic use of language is appropriate for the mouthbreathers of the lapdog media, it is pretty much the exact opposite of what fast ice actually is.

Fast ice is ice that is held fast. It is archaic nautical language meaning ice that has held fast or been fastened to the shoreline, the sea floor or a semi permanent glacier. Fast ice thus means ice that does not move and cannot move since it is stuck in place.

2. Turney was made a professor of geography. At some point he morphed into a professor of climate change, a nonexistent science. Like Flimflam Flannery and so many others, any qualifications he holds are tangential and irrelevant to the area of supposed expertise to which a professorship would logically apply.

3. No work was done that could possibly provide scientific data of any significance during the Ship of Fools Affair. In fact no work was done at all in most cases. It was a farrago of lies building up to a climate change propaganda documentary to be released by the BBC and pimped by the Guardian.

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