Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prophet of Doom - Islam in Muhammad’s Own Words - 23 - Jihad

Prophet of Doom - Islam in Muhammad’s Own Words - 23 - Jihad

Showing that he could hate everybody, the religious leader who cursed Arabs, murdered Jews, and condemned Persians went after Byzantine Christians. Bukhari:V4B52N267 "The Prophet said, 'Khosrau will be ruined. There won't be a Persian King after him. Caesar will be ruined. There will be no Caesar after him. You will spend their treasures in Allah’s Cause.' He proclaimed, 'War is deceit.'" As a religion, Islam is bankrupt because the currency of faith is truth. However, as a war manifesto and terrorist dogma, Islam is perfect. It even comes complete with handy hints. "Use what you steal to equip your militants so they can steal more. And lie all you want; it makes conquering and plundering easier."

Bukhari:V4B52N268 "Allah’s Apostle said, 'War is deceit.'" When you combine this with Qur'an 8:7, "Wipe the Infidels out to the last," and Qur'an 8:39, "So fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam," you get an ongoing state of war that encourages Muslims to continually deceive and murder infidels. That is why they use our media to proclaim: "Jihad is a spiritual struggle," and "Islam is peaceful." Muslims lie to us while their comrades kill us, because their "prophet" and "god" ordered them to do these things.

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