What words trigger passive acceptance of government narratives and media news reports and sales campaigns?
Here’s an example I’m sure DARPA is interested in at this very moment: the Edward Snowden narrative. What’s working to convince the American he’s a traitor? What isn’t working? What aspects of the narrative that paint him as a hero are successful?
At this level of research, truth and ethics are irrelevant. It’s all about “magnetic attraction and repulsion” to a narrative.
No one in Congress is voicing strong objections to the DARPA research. Why? Because our legislators are acutely aware that they’re selling their own narratives to the American people. That’s their basic job.
It’s all about story line. And in case there is any misunderstanding, we’re not talking about complex plots. No, the attention span of the public is incapable of registering subtlety. Narrative must be simple and obvious, even to a person with four or five active brain cells to rub together.