The Fibonacci spiral that we’d theorized as being on the map, if it did indeed represent the winding path of a subterranean temple funneling downward, didn’t necessarily have any particular endpoint. But if it truly were to mimic a Fibonacci spiral, then the tip of the funnel would indeed shoot straight down into the center of the Earth. Although science may indicate that the existence of such as structure appears impossible, it is easy to imagine that the members of the Rennes-le-Chateau cult and the Priory of Sion believe in it.
From analysis of world mythology we have revealed in past issues of Dagobert’s Revenge the ancient belief that the center of the Earth was the location of the tomb of an antediluvian god-king, who is usually described as a giant, and as the father of civilized mankind. We have indicated that this is the figure known in the Bible as “Cain,” but who was known by many names throughout the world. The center of the Earth was also the location of the “World Mountain,” and the domain of Cain’s legendary consort, known to us as the goddess Venus. The center of the Earth is said to be lit by an “inner sun,” the Black Sun. This is a primordial symbol, used by the Merovingians, as well many other groups and civilizations throughout history. In the Rosicrucian myth of Christian Rosenkreutz (which is merely a permutation of the Cain myth), his tomb is also located in the center of the Earth, and lit by an inner sun, but it this instance the sun is also described as a “rose.” This brings another level of meaning to the symbol of the Rose-cross as a possible representation of the Earth, and the jewel at its center. (Interestingly, things done in secret are said to be “sub rosa”– “under the rose.”)
But Cain is not exactly thought of as dead in this myth. He is entombed, but he still reigns as king, still exercising influence upon the Earth. This we see in the Eastern legends of the “Lord of the Earth” (which was one of Cain’s titles), a superhuman being who supposedly guides the destiny of mankind from his subterranean kingdom in the center of the Earth, and who will one day return to rule Earth directly, in a scenario that resembles St. John’s Apocalypse. The Priory of Sion appears to also believe in this concept, as their writings are replete with references to the “Grand Monarch,” whom they believe will rise up to rule Earth in a vision that they see as being related to the Apocalypse. Add to this the fact that the Black Sun is also believed by its worshipers to be something of a god, and that it, like the Lord of the Earth, is thought to exercise a guiding influence upon the activities of the Earth’s surface. (Some even believe it exerts some form of control on the planet’s electromagnetic processes.) In the jumble of myths, it is easy to see how the myth of the Black Sun, the Lord of the Earth, the subterranean tomb of Cain, and the temple of Venus could get confused and mixed together.