Friday, April 11, 2014

#BundyRanch: Q's and A's

Bundy Ranch: Q's and A's

Hello Mr & Mrs. Bundy and family,
just want you to know, I use to live in Mesquite, Nevada. I use to work
at the Peppermill Casino. I use to see your cattle grazing out in the
open wilderness, and I thought to myself, how wonderful this is to have
the chance to live in the open country. Not once have your cattle ever
destroyed property, or hurt anyone or anything. They were a benefit to
the land by keeping ecosystem going strong. It's not about the desert
tortoise, they are only using that for an excuse. I believe it has to do
with the land developers. More housing and more casinos makes more
money. By eliminating you and your ranch, the BLM will sell off the land
for developers. By taking the last of the "Wild West" and turning it
into another "Las Vegas" You have my support..and I back you and your
family in your fight into preserving our freedoms! Good Luck and God
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