Bendigo Bank has closed The Concerned Citizens Fund’s bank account
citing the group’s aims as, “.... not in keeping with the Bank’s values
of diversity and inclusiveness”.
The group was maintaining the bank account to finance its objections
to a $3 million mosque project planned for Rowena Street, Bendigo.
According to the 2011 census, Bendigo includes Castlemaine,
Heathcote, Pyramid Hill and Kyneton.and supports only 263 Islamic
residents within that area.
The Bendigo Concerned Citizens Group at last count had just under 5,000 supporters and its base was exponentially increasing.
Heads are likely to roll at the Bendigo Bank which has buckled to
Islamic demands that the Concerned Citizens’ bank account be closed or
financing for the planned mosque, along with private accounts, will be
taken elsewhere.
But the loss of less than 100 Islamic accounts will pale in
significance when compared to the loss of angry clients’ accounts of the
fifth biggest bank in Australia with 540 branches across the country.
Has Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act again reared its
ugly head? It is certainly threatening free speech at the behest of
Bendigo Bank.
I have known many idiots with a death wish who manage banks, but the manager of Bendigo Bank Central takes the cake.
When contacted late today, the bank refused to comment. They also refused to give me the name of the Bank Manager, Chris Bone.
do not fuck with the culture any more thanks|islam is the enemy within|islamo delenda est|islamofags|